Recent Water Damage Posts

Assessing Water-Damaged Flooring: Carpet, Hardwood, Tile, and More

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage is every homeowner's nightmare. Whether it's from a burst pipe, flooding, or a leaky roof, water can wreak havoc on your flooring. From carpets to hardwood to tile, each type of flooring requires a different approach when assessing and mitigating water damage. As a trusted leader in the restoration industry, SERVPRO® is here to guide you through the process of assessing water-damaged flooring and restoring your home to its former glory.

Carpet Flooring

Carpet is highly absorbent and can trap moisture, making it susceptible to mold and mildew growth if not properly dried. When assessing water damage to carpet flooring, it's crucial to act quickly. Start by extracting as much water as possible using a wet vacuum or carpet extractor. Then, thoroughly dry the carpet and underlying padding using fans and dehumidifiers. If the water damage is extensive or if mold is present, it may be necessary to remove and replace the carpet and padding to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your home.

Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is durable but can be severely damaged by water if not addressed promptly. When assessing water damage to hardwood floors, look for signs of warping, buckling, or discoloration. Begin by drying the affected area using fans and dehumidifiers. If the damage is minor, sanding and refinishing may be enough to restore the floor. However, if the damage is extensive or if mold has developed, it may be necessary to replace the affected boards to prevent further structural damage.

Tile Flooring

Tile flooring is relatively resistant to water damage, but the grout and subflooring beneath can still be affected. When assessing water damage to tile flooring, inspect the grout lines for signs of discoloration or crumbling. Use a moisture meter to determine the extent of water damage to the subflooring. If water has penetrated beneath the tiles, it's essential to thoroughly dry the area to prevent mold growth and structural damage. In some cases, replacing the grout and sealing the tiles may be necessary to ensure the integrity of the flooring.

Other Types of Flooring

Other types of flooring, such as laminate, vinyl, and concrete, each have their unique considerations when assessing water damage. Laminate and vinyl flooring can warp and swell when exposed to water, while concrete can develop cracks and weaken over time. Regardless of the type of flooring, it's essential to act quickly to mitigate water damage and prevent further deterioration.

Assessing water-damaged flooring requires prompt action and careful consideration of the type of flooring involved. By following the steps outlined above and seeking professional help when needed, you can minimize the damage and restore your home to its pre-water damage condition. Remember, SERVPRO® is always here to help with all your water damage restoration needs. Contact us today for expert assistance and peace of mind.

Balancing Restoration with Preservation: Safeguarding Historical/Old Homes from Water Damage

2/12/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage poses unique challenges when it comes to historical and old homes, as their architectural and cultural significance must be preserved alongside restoration efforts. In this blog post, we will explore the delicate balance between restoration and preservation, specifically focusing on how water damage can impact historical homes and strategies to mitigate the damage while maintaining their historical integrity.

Recognizing the Vulnerabilities of Historical/Old Homes

Highlight the vulnerabilities of historical and old homes to water damage, such as outdated plumbing systems, worn roofing, and inadequate drainage. Discuss the potential consequences of water damage on the historical fabric of these homes, such as rotting wood, crumbling mortar, and deterioration of original features.

Preserving Historical Integrity during Restoration

Address the importance of preserving the historical integrity of these homes during restoration efforts. Explore techniques and materials that align with historical preservation guidelines, such as using appropriate period materials and replicating original craftsmanship while repairing water-damaged areas.

Assessing Water Damage and Planning Restoration

Discuss the crucial step of assessing water damage and creating a detailed restoration plan for historical homes. Emphasize the need for professional expertise in understanding the unique characteristics and construction methods of historical properties to accurately assess and plan restoration measures.

Implementing Effective Water Mitigation Strategies

Explore water mitigation strategies specific to historical homes, such as installing modern drainage systems, repairing leaks or gaps in the roof, and improving ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. Highlight the significance of addressing water infiltration at the source to minimize ongoing damage and prevent future restoration needs.

Utilizing Specialized Restoration Techniques

Detail specialized restoration techniques that balance preservation with necessary repairs. Discuss methods for treating water-damaged wood, such as consolidation and conservation-grade treatments, as well as compatible materials and techniques for masonry, plaster, and decorative elements.

Engaging Preservation Experts and Contractors

Encourage homeowners of historical homes to consult preservation experts and contractors experienced in working with historic properties. Highlight the importance of finding professionals who understand the unique restoration challenges associated with maintaining the historical character of these homes while mitigating water damage.

Balancing restoration with preservation is essential when addressing water damage in historical and old homes. By recognizing vulnerabilities, preserving historical integrity, assessing damage, implementing effective water mitigation strategies, utilizing specialized restoration techniques, and engaging preservation experts, homeowners can safeguard these cultural treasures for generations to come.

7 Steps to Take When Responding to Burst Pipes

10/10/2023 (Permalink)

Standing water in a commercial building. By following these emergency steps, you can effectively manage burst pipe emergencies and restore your property to its preloss condition.

Discovering a burst pipe in your home or business can be a stressful and panic-inducing situation. Burst pipes can cause significant water damage and disrupt your daily activities. However, knowing the right emergency actions to take when faced with a burst pipe can help minimize the damage and get the situation under control. In this blog post, we will outline the crucial steps to follow in response to burst pipes.

Step 1: Shut off the Water Supply

The first and most important step is to shut off the main water supply to your property. Locate the main water valve, which is usually located near the water meter or where the water supply enters your property. Turn the valve clockwise until it is fully closed. This will stop the flow of water and prevent further damage.

Step 2: Turn Off Electricity and Gas

If the burst pipe is near electrical outlets or appliances, it is essential to turn off the electricity at the main circuit panel to avoid any electrical hazards. Additionally, if you have a gas supply in your property, it's crucial to turn off the gas valve to prevent any potential leaks or fire hazards.

Step 3: Open Faucets and Drain Water

Open all the faucets in your property to relieve the pressure in the plumbing system and allow any remaining water to drain. This will help reduce the amount of water damage. If there is excessive water pooling in the affected area, use buckets, mops, or towels to remove as much water as possible.

Step 4: Locate the Burst Pipe

Once the initial emergency actions are taken, locate the burst pipe. This may require inspecting exposed pipes in your basement, crawl space, or utility room. Look for signs of water spraying, dripping, or pooling. Identifying the location of the burst pipe will help restoration professionals assess the extent of the damage and determine the necessary repairs.

Step 5: Call a Professional Restoration Company

Contact a professional water damage restoration company, such as SERVPRO® of Hendersonville, as soon as possible. They have the expertise, tools, and resources to handle burst pipe emergencies. Restoration professionals can quickly assess the situation, mitigate further damage, and implement the necessary repairs to restore your property.

Step 6: Document the Damage for Insurance Claims

Take photographs and videos of the burst pipe and the resulting water damage. This documentation will be crucial for insurance claims and will help ensure proper reimbursement for the repairs and restoration process. Make sure to keep records of all communication with restoration professionals and insurance providers.

Step 7: Preventive Measures

After the burst pipe emergency is under control and the necessary repairs are made, consider taking preventive measures to minimize the risk of future bursts. This may include insulating pipes in colder areas, monitoring your plumbing system for any signs of leaks, and scheduling regular maintenance checks by a licensed plumber.

Responding to burst pipes requires swift and decisive action to minimize water damage and protect your property. By following these emergency steps - shutting off the water supply, turning off electricity and gas, draining water, calling professional restoration services, documenting the damage, and taking preventive measures for the future - you can effectively manage burst pipe emergencies and restore your property to its preloss condition. Remember, always prioritize safety and seek professional assistance to ensure a thorough and efficient recovery process.

Navigating Water: Tackling Common Challenges in Commercial Buildings

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

commercial building ceiling Efficient water management in you commercial building is crucial for a safe environment.

Water is a crucial resource in any commercial building, serving various purposes such as drinking, sanitation, heating, cooling, and irrigation. However, the efficient management of water in commercial buildings can be challenging, leading to several common water issues. These issues can disrupt daily operations, compromise water quality, and result in unnecessary expenses. In this blog, we will explore some of the most prevalent water issues faced by commercial buildings, their causes, and potential solutions.

Leaks and Plumbing Problems

Leaky pipes, faucets, and toilets are common issues that waste significant amounts of water and can lead to structural damage. Faulty plumbing systems, high water pressure, or corrosion can contribute to these leaks. Routine inspection and maintenance of plumbing systems are crucial to detect and address leaks promptly. Implementing water-efficient fixtures and employing professional plumbers for regular maintenance can significantly reduce the occurrence of such issues.

Low Water Pressure

Insufficient water pressure can cause inconveniences such as weak water flow, slow filling of tanks, and ineffective water-based equipment. Common causes of low water pressure in commercial buildings include inadequate pipe sizing, sediment buildup, clogs, or issues with the municipal water supply. To resolve low water pressure, it is important to identify the root cause. Regular cleaning of water storage tanks, installation of pressure-boosting systems, and periodic checks on the plumbing infrastructure can help alleviate this issue.

Water Contamination

Water contamination poses a series of risk of occupants in commercial buildings. Contaminants such as bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, or pollutants can enter the water supply through various sources. Aging infrastructure, backflow incidents, improper maintenance, or poor water treatment practices can contribute to water contamination. Regular testing of water quality, installation of effective filtration systems, and adherence to proper maintenance protocols can help mitigate contamination risks.

Water Waste and High Consumption

Commercial buildings often experience excessive water waste and consumption due to inefficient practices and outdated infrastructure. Common culprits include over-irrigation, inefficient cooling towers, leaks, and unrestricted water use. Implementing water-saving measures such as low-flow fixtures, smart irrigation systems, and regular leak detection programs can significantly reduce water waste and consumption. Awareness campaigns and employee education on water conservation can also contribute to more responsible water usage.

Inadequate Hot Water Supply

Insufficient or inconsistent hot water supply can be a major inconvenience in commercial buildings, especially in settings that rely heavily on hot water for daily operations such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. Inadequate water heater capacity, equipment malfunction, sediment buildup, or piping issues can cause such problems. Regular maintenance of water heaters, proper sizing of equipment, and periodic flushing of tanks can help ensure a consistent and reliable hot water supply.

Efficient water management in commercial buildings is crucial for sustainable operations, cost savings, and maintaining a safe and healthy environment. By addressing common water issues such as leaks, low water pressure, contamination, waste, and inadequate hot water supply, building owners and managers can significantly reduce water-related problems. Regular maintenance, implementation of water-saving technologies, and raising awareness among occupants can pave the way towards a more sustainable and responsible use of water resources in commercial buildings.

Do I need Business Insurance?

3/17/2023 (Permalink)

business insurance Business insurance is a necessity for business owners.

The world of business insurance is an often confusing one, with many different types of policies, risks and coverages to consider. In this guide we’ll cover the basics of business insurance and explain why it’s important for your business.

Liability Insurance

You need liability insurance because it protects you in the event that someone is injured on your property, or if they are injured by something you own. Liability insurance covers medical expenses and even legal costs associated with these accidents, as well as any damages to their property.

The amount of coverage you choose will depend on how much money you want to spend each year on this type of insurance, but most people opt for somewhere between $1 million and $5 million dollars' worth of coverage per incident. This can cost anywhere from $1-$3 per month depending on the company offering it and where they're located.

The benefits include piece of mind knowing that if something happens at work or at home and you will be protected financially so long as your policy limits have been met before filing any claims against them.

Property Insurance

Property insurance is a type of insurance that covers damage to or loss of property. It can also cover theft and other losses. Property insurance is also called real estate insurance because it protects homes, businesses and other properties from fire, theft or natural disasters like floods and earthquakes.

Property insurance is important for business owners because it protects their buildings from damage caused by fires, storms or other events that may occur unexpectedly. Without this type of coverage in place, you'll have no way to recover any financial losses if something happens at your place of work and that could mean closing up shop permanently.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance protects the business from lawsuits by employees who are injured on the job. In most states, workers comp is required by law to protect workers and their families in case of an accident or illness.

If an employee is hurt while doing his or her job and doesn't have insurance to cover medical bills, you may be held liable for those costs. Workers' compensation pays for medical care as well as a portion of lost wages if an employee can't work because of an injury sustained at work The amount varies depending on the state you live in, some states also have different rules for specific industries such as construction sites or restaurants.

Business Automobile Insurance

Business auto insurance is a type of commercial coverage that protects your business vehicles. It's different from personal auto insurance because it covers expenses related to the damage or loss of use of those vehicles. Businesses should consider buying business auto insurance if they have cars, trucks or vans in their fleets.

Business owners can get liability protection with this type of coverage, which pays for injuries sustained by others due to an accident involving your vehicle that was caused by negligence on your part.

Businesses need to make sure their drivers are trained properly before putting them behind the wheel so accidents don't happen due to inexperience or poor judgment on behalf of employees who drive company cars daily.

Business insurance is a necessity for any business owner.

Business insurance is a necessity for any business owner. Business insurance can help you recover from a disaster, get back on your feet after a natural disaster or protect your finances from unexpected events like lawsuits and employee injuries.

Are Drain Cleaners Harmful to Pipes?

11/1/2022 (Permalink)

Advertisements drain cleaners, water pipe detergent with clear piping section in 3d illustration. Drain cleaners are not harmful to pipes in most cases, but can be when used too often.

Is It Safe To Use Drain Cleaners?

Plumbing issues can be stressful, but they don't have to be if you're prepared for them. One of the most common plumbing problems is a clogged drain. When your drain is backed up with hair and other debris, it can be hard to figure out how to fix it on your own. Professional plumbers know how to clear drains and repair any damage caused by the clog itself, so don't hesitate to call one in if you need help!

Drain Cleaners Can Cause More Harm Than Good

If you regularly use a drain cleaner in your home, it is important to know that these products are not meant to be used as an alternative to regular cleaning. In fact, drain cleaners can actually corrode the pipes and permanently damage them. This means that if you have been using a particular product for several years now and notice any corrosion or damage in your plumbing system, the problem could have been caused by the use of a commercial-grade drain cleaner.

When you experience clogs in your drains, it is best to clean out the pipes with water from the tap before trying anything else. If this doesn't work, consider calling a plumber instead of using chemical solutions because these products can cause more harm than good if used incorrectly or too frequently.

Call the Professionals for Sewage Cleaning

When you call for professional sewage cleaning, the technicians will have plenty of experience with drain cleaners and their effect on plumbing. They won't use chemical drain cleaners unless absolutely necessary and even then, only as a last resort.

They will know how to use a plunger or suction equipment to clear clogs from your pipes without damaging them in the process. They will also know how to repair damage caused by clogs and prevent future clogs from happening again.

Hydro-jetting System

When you have a plumber come to your home because of a clogged drain, they'll use a hydro-jetting system to clear out the blockage. This method uses high-pressure water to remove the clog and can be used on any type of pipe from drains and toilets to sewers.

The hydro-jetting system is the most effective way to clear a clogged drain, but it can also be very expensive. A plumber may charge between $100 and $300 to use this method.

Can I Fix It Myself?

How do you know if it’s safe for you to clear clogs in your own sink or bathtub drain? The answer is that it depends on the clog, and if you have any kind of plumbing problem, then it’s a good idea to call in a professional.

Professional technicians know how to safely clear drains and how to repair any damage the clog might have caused. They also know how to use the correct chemicals and equipment, as well as techniques such as plunging or water jetting that could cause more harm than good.

In conclusion, drain cleaners are not harmful to pipes in most cases, but can be when used too often. If you have a clog that won’t go away after trying a plunger and then using some vinegar or soda water, it might be time for professional help.

If you have a sewage backup or drainage problems in your home or business, SERVPRO of Hendersonville is here to help. Give us a call to clean up any water damage in your Hendersonville property!

3 Types of Water Leaks That May Cost Your Business Money

6/25/2022 (Permalink)

Leaking tap A leaking tap can be costing you more than you think.

Types of Water Leaks

Did you know that even small leaks at your Flat Rock, NC, business can cost you hundreds of dollars per year in wasted water and repair costs? While you might think of a water leak as a common problem, failing to maintain your building's plumbing could transform a small leak into a major issue, and there are several types of leaks you can watch for to stop major water losses before they happen. 

1. A Fast-Dripping Water Leak
That fast drip in your public restroom's sink or in the breakroom might be old news to you or your employees, but this type of leak may be costing you more than you think. It can cause damage to your building's pipes and weaken the interiors of finished cabinets. Having a fast leak repaired can not only lower your commercial water bill but protect the building materials that surround the plumbing as well. 

2. A Leaky Toilet 
That old leaking toilet in your office can cost you hundreds of dollars in water damage, especially once the moisture starts to affect the floor or wall around it. Over time, the water may start to warp or rot building materials like drywall and wood. Unless you take steps to rectify the leak, you may have to replace not only the toilet but the adjacent materials as well. 

3. A Leaking Pipe 
A plumbing pipe water leak is usually the most damaging when it is not detected right away. Over time, the pipe may degrade and then eventually burst, especially with a seasonal temperature change. A pipe break can cause a massive flood inside your building and require the assistance of water restoration and mitigation service to remove standing water before the moisture and increased humidity cause more damage. 
Water leaks at your Flat Rock, NC, business may cause you more headaches than you might think. Fixing current leaks and remaining aware of potential plumbing problems can help you to better protect your investments. 

What To Do With Water-Damaged Carpet

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

standing water on carpet, wet carpet, water damage in a home Water damage to carpet floor in Zirconia, NC.

What Should You Do If Your Carpet Is Wet?

If you experience a pipe break or other source of water damage in your Zirconia, NC, home, you may wonder if you can save your carpet or if it must be replaced. Fortunately, in some cases, this type of flooring can be salvaged if you act quickly.

If the source water is clean, such as from a supply pipe break, you don’t have to worry about mold growth or other bacterial contamination for at least 24 hours. Dry the flooring out using the following equipment:

  • Fans
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Wet/dry vacuums

If the carpet was soaked through to the underlayers, pull up the flooring and hang it out to dry. Replace the padding if necessary. An experienced restoration service can help you determine what must be thrown away and what can be salvaged. They also have commercial equipment that can get the job done quickly and thoroughly.

In other cases, carpeting must be replaced. If the source is not clean water, or if the water has been present for more than 24 hours, bacteria and other contaminants are likely to present. Carpeting is difficult to completely sanitize, and it is generally safer to replace the flooring. An exception may be small rugs that can be thoroughly cleaned with a fabric sanitizer and hot water.
In other cases, it may simply be more practical to replace the flooring than restore it. Even if the water is from a clean pipe break, it may not be worth the hassle to restore carpeting that is old or inexpensive. Pulling up the carpeting often requires cutting it into smaller pieces, making it impossible to reinstall.
Carpet is expensive, and many homeowners wish to salvage their investment from water damage. If the water is from a clean source and is removed quickly, it is usually okay to restore rather than replace the flooring.

4 Important Items To Include in Your Business Continuity Plan

3/19/2022 (Permalink)

Business Continuity Plan Concept Every enterprise needs a solid business continuity plan.

4 Things to Remember When Making a Business Continuity Plan

When flooding, fires and other natural disasters occur, companies become at risk for grinding to a halt. In addition to damage requiring the talents of a business renovation service, these extreme weather events trigger lost productivity and lower revenue. For this reason, every enterprise needs a solid business continuity plan. Having one in place will help assure that downtime is kept to a minimum. Here are four matters that are imperative to incorporate within yours.

1. Recovery Strategies

Plan out what you will do if operational necessities become unavailable. How will you continue if electricity is lost? What happens if critical employees are unable to come in? Know ahead of time what is to be done under every scenario.

2. Alternative Vendors

What should happen if other companies whose services you rely on suddenly cannot fulfill their duties? Identify providers outside of your usual channels and include them in your business continuity plan. Line up alternatives for essentials such as performing equipment fixes, delivering customer orders and providing office supplies.

3. Emergency Response Plan

In addition to keeping everyone safe, knowing what everyone is expected to do during a disaster helps smooth operations. The faster everyone gets to safety and is accounted for, the quicker you can get back up and running. Write out expected procedures and post them in your most highly-trafficked area.

4. Alternative Locations

Think about where your staff can go in the event your building in Fletcher, NC needs to be evacuated. Find a nearby office with unused space or ask employees living in larger residences if they would be willing to host a temporary headquarters. Having staffers work from home is also often a viable alternative. Perform a test run of your plans for functioning remotely ahead of a fiasco.

A well-conceived business continuity plan can keep your venture humming even after calamity strikes. Avoid losing potential income by thinking ahead and planning for the worst.

5 Things You Need To Know About Broken Pipes

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

Wet carpet, standing water on carpet, wet hallway Water damage in Etowah, NC.

Five Things You Should Know About Burst Pipes

To get the most out of your Etowah, NC, home, you need a functioning plumbing system. After all, you probably use running water in your house every day. Therefore, you must watch for the warning signs of plumbing damage. Here are five things you need to know about a pipe burst.

1. Pipes Freeze

When temperatures drop, the water inside your pipes can freeze. As you probably know, water expands as it freezes. This expansion can cause your water line and other pipes to break.

2. Crowded Cabinets Hide Leaks

The areas beneath your kitchen and bathroom sinks are good places to store household chemicals and other items. If you overcrowd these spaces, though, you may not notice a water leak. Accordingly, routinely clean out cabinets and inspect your plumbing system.

3. Plumbing Systems Should Not Be Loud

Pipes generally make a bit of noise when water passes through them. Knocking, creaking, moaning and other noises, however, are not normal. If you have noisy pipes, you may need to take steps to protect your pipes from extensive damage.

4. Water Heaters Require Flushing

While a pipe burst can cause a mess, flooding from an old, damaged or ineffective water heater can be just as bad. By regularly flushing your home’s water heater, you remove sediment before it can cause a catastrophic problem.

5. Water Damage May Be Extensive

Even with your best efforts, you may not be able to avoid a home flood. You must understand that floodwaters can cause extensive damage. If your home survives a flood, consider working with a floodwater restoration service to be sure you restore your house to its pre-flood condition.

Like most homeowners, you don’t want to have to deal with a pipe burst. By understanding some fundamental facts about broken plumbing, though, you can develop a plan for keeping your home’s pipes in excellent shape.