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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Tropical Chaos: Assessing the Environmental Fallout of Storm Debris in the Southeast

9/27/2023 (Permalink)

rain and storm water Take proactive measures to protect your environment during a storm

Storms can have devastating effects on communities, infrastructure, and the environment. In the Southeast region, where severe weather events are not uncommon, the aftermath of storms often includes significant amounts of debris. While the focus is often on the immediate cleanup and recovery efforts, it is equally important to recognize and address the environmental impact of storm debris. In this blog post, we will explore the environmental consequences of storm debris in the Southeast and the urgent need for proper management.

Habitat Destruction

Storm debris, such as fallen trees and vegetation, can result in habitat destruction for various species. Trees provide critical habitat and food sources for birds, insects, and other wildlife. When their habitats are destroyed, these species can be displaced or face difficulties finding food and shelter. This disruption to the ecosystem can have long-lasting effects on biodiversity and the overall health of the regional ecosystem.

The removal of vegetation by a storm can lead to increased soil erosion, especially in areas prone to heavy rainfall. Without the natural protection of plants and trees, soil becomes more vulnerable to erosion, resulting in sediment runoff into waterways. This sedimentation can negatively impact aquatic ecosystems by reducing water quality, harming fish and other aquatic organisms, and disrupting the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

Increased Flooding Risk

Storm debris, if not properly managed, can contribute to increased flooding risks. When debris accumulates in waterways, it can obstruct the natural flow of water, causing blockages and potential flooding. This not only poses a danger to neighboring communities but also exacerbates the environmental consequences by further disrupting the delicate balance of the surrounding ecosystems.

Storm debris may release harmful pollutants into the air when it decomposes or is burned improperly. Burning debris can release toxic chemicals and particulate matter, contributing to air pollution. In addition, as debris decomposes, it releases methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Proper management and disposal of storm debris are crucial to minimizing air pollution and mitigating its impact on both human health and the environment.

Threat to Coastal Areas

Coastal regions in the Southeast are particularly vulnerable to the environmental impact of storm debris. Debris washed ashore can damage sensitive coastal habitats, including coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds. These habitats are vital for marine biodiversity, providing nursery grounds for fish and serving as protective barriers against erosion and storm surge. The accumulation of storm debris along shorelines can disrupt these delicate ecosystems and exacerbate erosion risks, compromising the resiliency of coastal communities.

Proper Debris Management

Addressing the environmental impact of storm debris requires proper management and disposal practices. It is essential to prioritize recycling and composting options for organic debris, such as fallen tree branches and vegetation. Recycling provides an opportunity to repurpose materials and reduce the demand for virgin resources. Additionally, implementing effective sediment and erosion control measures during cleanup can minimize the impact of debris on water quality and aquatic ecosystems. Collaborative efforts between local communities, government agencies, and environmental organizations are crucial to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable approach to storm debris management.

The environmental impact of storm debris in the Southeast is an urgent concern that requires immediate attention. It is our responsibility to implement sustainable solutions, prioritize recycling and composting, and take proactive measures to minimize the environmental impact. By doing so, we can protect the delicate balance of our ecosystems, preserve biodiversity, and ensure a sustainable future for the Southeast and beyond.

Choosing the Best Fire Restoration Company: Key Factors to Consider

8/10/2023 (Permalink)

house fire damage Choosing the right restoration company is crucial for recovery after a fire loss.

Experiencing a fire in your home or business is a traumatic event that requires immediate action for restoration. Hiring a reputable fire restoration company is an essential step in the recovery process. With numerous companies claiming to offer the best services, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this blog post, we will discuss the key factors to consider when selecting a fire restoration company.

Emergency response time

Fires can cause extensive damage that requires immediate attention. Look for a fire restoration company that offers quick emergency response, ideally with a 24/7 availability. They should be able to dispatch a team to your location promptly to begin the restoration process.

Fire restoration requires specialized knowledge and skills to properly assess and address the damage. Look for a company that has certified professionals with experience in fire restoration. They should have a track record of successfully restoring properties after fire incidents.

Licensing and insurance

Ensure that the fire restoration company you choose is licensed and insured. This not only demonstrates their professionalism and adherence to industry standards but also protects you from any liability in case of accidents or further damage during the restoration process.

Fire damage goes beyond just structural issues. Look for a restoration company that offers a wide range of services, including smoke and soot removal, odor mitigation, content cleaning and restoration, and structural repairs. A company that can handle all aspects of the restoration process will simplify the coordination and streamline the overall timeline.

Equipment and technology

The restoration company should have access to advanced equipment and technology for effective and efficient restoration. This includes industrial-grade water extractors, dehumidifiers, air scrubbers, and thermal imaging cameras. The use of modern equipment can expedite the drying process and ensure thorough restoration.

Research the reputation of the fire restoration company by checking customer references and testimonials. Reach out to previous clients or check online reviews to gauge their satisfaction with the quality of work, professionalism, and customer service provided by the company.

Insurance claim assistance

Dealing with insurance claims can be a complex process. Look for a fire restoration company that offers assistance with the insurance claim process. They should be knowledgeable about insurance requirements and be able to provide detailed documentation and evidence to support your claim.

Obtain written estimates from multiple fire restoration companies and compare their pricing and services. A trustworthy company will provide transparent pricing and clearly outline the scope of work and associated costs. Be cautious of companies that provide significantly lower estimates as they may compromise on quality.

In conclusion, choosing the right fire restoration company is crucial for effective and efficient recovery after a fire incident. Consider factors such as emergency response time, expertise and experience, licensing and insurance, comprehensive services, equipment and technology, references and testimonials, insurance claim assistance, and transparent pricing. By conducting thorough research and selecting a reputable company, you can ensure that your property is properly restored and back to its pre-fire condition.

Navigating Water: Tackling Common Challenges in Commercial Buildings

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

commercial building ceiling Efficient water management in you commercial building is crucial for a safe environment.

Water is a crucial resource in any commercial building, serving various purposes such as drinking, sanitation, heating, cooling, and irrigation. However, the efficient management of water in commercial buildings can be challenging, leading to several common water issues. These issues can disrupt daily operations, compromise water quality, and result in unnecessary expenses. In this blog, we will explore some of the most prevalent water issues faced by commercial buildings, their causes, and potential solutions.

Leaks and Plumbing Problems

Leaky pipes, faucets, and toilets are common issues that waste significant amounts of water and can lead to structural damage. Faulty plumbing systems, high water pressure, or corrosion can contribute to these leaks. Routine inspection and maintenance of plumbing systems are crucial to detect and address leaks promptly. Implementing water-efficient fixtures and employing professional plumbers for regular maintenance can significantly reduce the occurrence of such issues.

Low Water Pressure

Insufficient water pressure can cause inconveniences such as weak water flow, slow filling of tanks, and ineffective water-based equipment. Common causes of low water pressure in commercial buildings include inadequate pipe sizing, sediment buildup, clogs, or issues with the municipal water supply. To resolve low water pressure, it is important to identify the root cause. Regular cleaning of water storage tanks, installation of pressure-boosting systems, and periodic checks on the plumbing infrastructure can help alleviate this issue.

Water Contamination

Water contamination poses a series of risk of occupants in commercial buildings. Contaminants such as bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, or pollutants can enter the water supply through various sources. Aging infrastructure, backflow incidents, improper maintenance, or poor water treatment practices can contribute to water contamination. Regular testing of water quality, installation of effective filtration systems, and adherence to proper maintenance protocols can help mitigate contamination risks.

Water Waste and High Consumption

Commercial buildings often experience excessive water waste and consumption due to inefficient practices and outdated infrastructure. Common culprits include over-irrigation, inefficient cooling towers, leaks, and unrestricted water use. Implementing water-saving measures such as low-flow fixtures, smart irrigation systems, and regular leak detection programs can significantly reduce water waste and consumption. Awareness campaigns and employee education on water conservation can also contribute to more responsible water usage.

Inadequate Hot Water Supply

Insufficient or inconsistent hot water supply can be a major inconvenience in commercial buildings, especially in settings that rely heavily on hot water for daily operations such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. Inadequate water heater capacity, equipment malfunction, sediment buildup, or piping issues can cause such problems. Regular maintenance of water heaters, proper sizing of equipment, and periodic flushing of tanks can help ensure a consistent and reliable hot water supply.

Efficient water management in commercial buildings is crucial for sustainable operations, cost savings, and maintaining a safe and healthy environment. By addressing common water issues such as leaks, low water pressure, contamination, waste, and inadequate hot water supply, building owners and managers can significantly reduce water-related problems. Regular maintenance, implementation of water-saving technologies, and raising awareness among occupants can pave the way towards a more sustainable and responsible use of water resources in commercial buildings.

From Chaos to Cleanliness: Navigating Flood Cleaning Requirements for Effective Restoration

6/13/2023 (Permalink)

Blue house surrounded by floodwaters. When faced with the aftermath of a flood, cleaning, and restoration become critical tasks to ensure the safety and recovery of affected areas.

When faced with the aftermath of a flood, cleaning, and restoration become critical tasks to ensure the safety and recovery of affected areas. Flood cleaning requirements involve a systematic approach to address various aspects, from water extraction and sanitization to structural drying and mold prevention. In this blog post, we will delve into the essential steps and considerations for effective flood cleaning, helping you navigate the requirements and restore your space to a safe and habitable condition.

Safety First

Before initiating any flood cleaning efforts, prioritize safety precautions. Ensure that the power supply is disconnected in the affected area to prevent electrical hazards. Use personal protective equipment, including gloves, masks, and waterproof boots, to protect yourself from potential contaminants and biohazards in the floodwater. If the floodwater is extensive or the damage is severe, consider seeking professional assistance to mitigate risks.

Water Extraction and Drainage

The first step in flood cleaning is removing standing water from the affected space. Use pumps, wet/dry vacuums, or professional water extraction equipment to efficiently eliminate water. Pay attention to hidden pockets of water in walls, floors, and crawl spaces, as they can lead to long-term damage if left unaddressed. Proper drainage is crucial to prevent further water accumulation and potential structural issues.

Thorough Cleaning and Sanitization

Floodwater can introduce harmful pathogens, bacteria, and other contaminants into your space. Thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces, including walls, floors, furniture, and personal belongings. Use appropriate cleaning agents and disinfectants recommended for flood restoration. Pay special attention to areas that came into direct contact with floodwater, ensuring they are properly cleaned and sanitized to minimize health risks.

Structural Drying

Effective drying is crucial to prevent mold growth, rot, and further damage to the building structure. Utilize dehumidifiers, industrial fans, and specialized drying equipment to facilitate the drying process. Remove any wet materials that cannot be salvaged, such as saturated carpets, drywall, and insulation. Ensure proper ventilation throughout the area to expedite drying and reduce moisture levels.

Mold Prevention

Mold can start growing within 24 to 48 hours of a flood, posing serious health risks and causing extensive damage. Take proactive measures to prevent mold growth by thoroughly drying the space, addressing any hidden moisture, and utilizing mold inhibitors or antimicrobial treatments as recommended. Conduct regular inspections in the following weeks and months to identify any signs of mold growth and take immediate action if necessary.

Restoration and Repairs

Once the space is thoroughly cleaned, dried, and protected against mold, assess the extent of structural damage and initiate necessary repairs. This may involve replacing damaged materials, repairing electrical systems, restoring plumbing, and addressing any other structural or cosmetic issues caused by the flood. Consult with professionals if needed to ensure comprehensive restoration.

Flood cleaning requirements encompass a series of crucial steps to effectively restore and recover from the devastating impact of flooding. Prioritize safety, promptly remove standing water, thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces, implement proper drying techniques, and take proactive measures to prevent mold growth. Remember, seeking professional assistance and guidance can be invaluable to ensure a thorough and successful flood-cleaning process. By following these requirements and taking proactive measures, you can restore your space to a safe and habitable condition while minimizing the long-term effects of the flood.

Discoloration on Ceiling Tiles: Common Causes and How to Address Them

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

ceiling mold damage Discoloration on ceiling tiles can be a problem, address the problem quickly to prevent further damage.

Ceiling tiles are an essential component of many buildings, including offices, schools, hospitals, and homes. They serve multiple purposes, such as noise reduction, thermal insulation, and aesthetic appeal. However, over time, ceiling tiles can develop discoloration, which can be unsightly and even indicate underlying issues with the building. In this blog, we will explore some of the causes of discoloration on ceiling tiles.

Water Damage

Water damage is a common cause of discoloration on ceiling tiles. Leaking roofs, plumbing problems, or condensation can cause water to penetrate the ceiling tiles, leading to stains, discoloration, and even mold growth. If left unaddressed, water damage can compromise the structural integrity of the ceiling tiles and even the building.


Smoking indoors can also cause discoloration on ceiling tiles. Cigarette smoke contains tar and other chemicals that can cling to surfaces and create a yellowish-brownish stain over time. This discoloration can be particularly pronounced in rooms where smoking is frequent, such as break rooms or lounges.


As with any material, ceiling tiles can discolor over time due to natural aging. Exposure to sunlight, temperature changes, and wear and tear can cause discoloration or yellowing of the tiles. In some cases, the tiles may even become brittle and crumble.

Airborne Contaminants

Pollutants in the air can also cause discoloration on ceiling tiles. This can include dust, dirt, and other particulates that settle on the surface of the tiles over time. In some cases, these contaminants can cause discoloration and secondary damages.

Chemical Exposure

Exposure to certain chemicals can cause discoloration on ceiling tiles. For example, exposure to bleach or other cleaning agents can cause tiles to become discolored or even damaged. Additionally, exposure to gases or fumes from chemicals used in manufacturing processes or other activities can also cause discoloration on ceiling tiles.

Discoloration on ceiling tiles is a common issue that can occur due to various reasons. It is often caused by moisture buildup or water leaks that can lead to mold growth on the tiles, leaving unsightly brown or black stains. It is important to identify and address the underlying cause of discoloration to prevent further damage and maintain a safe and clean indoor environment.

In conclusion, there are multiple causes of discoloration on ceiling tiles, including water damage, smoking, age, airborne contaminants, and chemical exposure. If you notice discoloration on your ceiling tiles, it is essential to identify the underlying cause and address it promptly. SERVPRO has professional cleaning solutions and techniques to remove discoloration on the tiles and make them look new again. This may involve repairing leaks, reducing smoking indoors, replacing aging tiles, improving ventilation, or taking other steps to improve indoor air quality. By addressing discoloration on ceiling tiles, you can improve the appearance and safety of your building. 

When Nature Strikes: Can Lightning Start a House Fire?

4/17/2023 (Permalink)

lightning Lightning can start a house fire through your electrical system.

Lightning is a powerful force of nature that can cause significant damage to anything in its path, including homes. One question that many homeowners have is whether lightning can start a house fire. The answer is yes, lightning can start a house fire, and it's important to understand how and why this happens.

When lightning strikes a home, it can create a surge of electricity that can damage or destroy electrical systems and appliances. This surge can also generate heat, which can ignite flammable materials in the home, such as wood, fabric, and paper. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association, lightning causes an estimated 22,600 fires per year in the United States alone.

One of the most common ways that lightning starts a house fire is through the electrical wiring. When lightning strikes a home, it can send a surge of electricity through the wiring, which can overload and damage the system. This can cause wires to melt or start a fire in the walls or ceilings, which can quickly spread throughout the home.

Another way that lightning can start a house fire is through the roof. Lightning is attracted to metal, so if a home has a metal roof or metal components, it can be more susceptible to a strike. When lightning strikes a metal roof, it can create a surge of electricity that can damage the roof and ignite any flammable materials in the attic or walls.

It's important to note that not all house fires caused by lightning are immediate. Sometimes, damage to the electrical system or roofing can weaken the home's structure over time, making it more susceptible to a fire in the future. It's crucial to have a professional inspect your home's electrical system and roofing after a lightning strike to ensure there is no damage that could lead to a future fire.

To reduce the risk of a house fire caused by lightning, there are a few steps homeowners can take. First and foremost, installing a lightning protection system can help direct the energy from a lightning strike away from the home, reducing the risk of damage to the electrical system and roofing. Homeowners can also unplug electronics and appliances during a thunderstorm to prevent damage from a surge of electricity.

It's also important to have working smoke detectors in every room of the home and to have a fire escape plan in place in case of an emergency. In the event of a fire, it's crucial to evacuate the home immediately and call 911.

In conclusion, lightning can start a house fire through the electrical system, roofing, and other metal components of the home. It's crucial for homeowners to take steps to reduce the risk of a house fire caused by lightning, such as installing a lightning protection system and unplugging electronics during a thunderstorm. It's also important to have working smoke detectors and a fire escape plan in case of an emergency. By taking these steps, homeowners can help protect their homes and families from the devastating effects of a lightning-induced house fire.

Do I need Business Insurance?

3/17/2023 (Permalink)

business insurance Business insurance is a necessity for business owners.

The world of business insurance is an often confusing one, with many different types of policies, risks and coverages to consider. In this guide we’ll cover the basics of business insurance and explain why it’s important for your business.

Liability Insurance

You need liability insurance because it protects you in the event that someone is injured on your property, or if they are injured by something you own. Liability insurance covers medical expenses and even legal costs associated with these accidents, as well as any damages to their property.

The amount of coverage you choose will depend on how much money you want to spend each year on this type of insurance, but most people opt for somewhere between $1 million and $5 million dollars' worth of coverage per incident. This can cost anywhere from $1-$3 per month depending on the company offering it and where they're located.

The benefits include piece of mind knowing that if something happens at work or at home and you will be protected financially so long as your policy limits have been met before filing any claims against them.

Property Insurance

Property insurance is a type of insurance that covers damage to or loss of property. It can also cover theft and other losses. Property insurance is also called real estate insurance because it protects homes, businesses and other properties from fire, theft or natural disasters like floods and earthquakes.

Property insurance is important for business owners because it protects their buildings from damage caused by fires, storms or other events that may occur unexpectedly. Without this type of coverage in place, you'll have no way to recover any financial losses if something happens at your place of work and that could mean closing up shop permanently.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance protects the business from lawsuits by employees who are injured on the job. In most states, workers comp is required by law to protect workers and their families in case of an accident or illness.

If an employee is hurt while doing his or her job and doesn't have insurance to cover medical bills, you may be held liable for those costs. Workers' compensation pays for medical care as well as a portion of lost wages if an employee can't work because of an injury sustained at work The amount varies depending on the state you live in, some states also have different rules for specific industries such as construction sites or restaurants.

Business Automobile Insurance

Business auto insurance is a type of commercial coverage that protects your business vehicles. It's different from personal auto insurance because it covers expenses related to the damage or loss of use of those vehicles. Businesses should consider buying business auto insurance if they have cars, trucks or vans in their fleets.

Business owners can get liability protection with this type of coverage, which pays for injuries sustained by others due to an accident involving your vehicle that was caused by negligence on your part.

Businesses need to make sure their drivers are trained properly before putting them behind the wheel so accidents don't happen due to inexperience or poor judgment on behalf of employees who drive company cars daily.

Business insurance is a necessity for any business owner.

Business insurance is a necessity for any business owner. Business insurance can help you recover from a disaster, get back on your feet after a natural disaster or protect your finances from unexpected events like lawsuits and employee injuries.

Leading causes of Fires in Healthcare Facilities

2/13/2023 (Permalink)

fire escape plan Make sure to have a plan in place incase of fire or other emergency in your healthcare facility.

Fires in healthcare facilities can have devastating consequences. With the right precautions in place you can help protect yourself and others from this threat and even prevent any potential fire from happening at all.

The Dangers of Fire

Fire is a serious threat in the workplace. Every year, businesses lose millions of dollars and valuable equipment to fire-related incidents. Even with precautions in place, fires continue to occur, causing both physical damage and financial loss. Employers can prevent these losses by improving fire safety precautions and preparing their employees for emergencies.

Employers should work closely with their insurance carriers to make sure they have enough coverage for any damages or injuries caused by a fire at work. In addition, employers should also provide training for their workers on how to identify potential hazards within their offices as well as how to respond if a fire does occur onsite - this includes making sure all staff members know what number they need to call in case of an emergency (9-1-1).

The Effects of Fire

A fire in a hospital or other healthcare facility can be devastating for any business. However, due to the fact that there are ill people within these facilities who may not be able to escape on their own, lives could potentially be at risk. It's important to take steps to prevent fires from occurring in your healthcare facility and prepare yourself for when one does break out.

As a business leader in this industry, it is crucial that you understand what causes fires and how they affect your business so that you can better protect yourself against them.

Losing Patient Records

If a hospital were to catch on fire, there is also the potential of losing valuable resources like patient records and expensive machinery that is used to treat patients and save lives every day. These are not only invaluable in themselves but also necessary for maintaining the integrity of medical records. If these important documents were destroyed or damaged by fire, it would be extremely difficult to rebuild those collections without significant time and expense.


A hospital fire can be devastating, with the potential to cause both physical and emotional harm. As such, it's important to know how fires start in healthcare facilities and what you can do to prevent them. There are several leading causes of fires in these buildings:

  • Electrical equipment: Electrical equipment like computers, televisions and medical machines are at risk of overheating or developing other problems that could lead to a fire. If you see any electrical problems with your equipment, immediately contact an electrician for help fixing the issue before it becomes dangerous.
  • Smoking materials: The use of smoking materials is prohibited within most healthcare facilities because they pose serious risks for patients

The best way to avoid fires in healthcare facilities is by being proactive about the risks, implementing safety precautions and educating employees on fire safety.

How to Repair Storm Damage to Your Home

1/9/2023 (Permalink)

Tree fallen in a house Storms can really damage your Hendersonville, NC home.

Storm Damage: Preparing and Repairing

Whether you're a homeowner, renter, or condo dweller, it's important to know how to deal with storm damage. Storms can cause severe damage to homes and make it harder for people to get back on their feet in their own homes after a disaster. This guide will help you prepare before storms hit and help you repair your home if there is damage after the storm passes.

Prepare for the Worst

The first step to recovery is preparation. Here are some tips to get you started:

Make a list of important documents, such as your insurance policy, medical records, and bank account information. Keep this list in a safe place just in case you need it later on. You can also store digital copies of these documents somewhere offsite if you have them on your computer or phone.

If you live in an area prone to flooding or storm damage, contact your insurance company and let them know where you are located. This will help ensure that they understand the risks associated with insuring someone who lives in such an area and can adjust their rates accordingly when necessary.

Store an emergency supply kit near your main exit point from the house so that it's easy to grab when needed (e.g., during storms). The contents of this kit should include water purification tablets/drop neutralizers, food rations sufficient for three days (including non-perishable items), canned goods for two weeks worth of meals (including meat), toiletries (toothbrush/paste etc.), clothing suitable for warm weather conditions (i.e., tank tops/shorts)

Evaluate the Damage and Document It

After the storm is over, you will want to quickly assess the damage. Start by documenting all of the damage with pictures. After you've documented the damage in detail and photographed it (with your camera or smartphone), make sure you keep copies of these images stored on a flash drive or other secure electronic storage device. This way, if there's ever an issue with your insurance claim you will have proof of the damage. They may need documentation of what happened within those first few days after the storm passed through your area and you want to make sure you have that readily available.

Cut Off the Power

If you have a home generator, turn it off at the main switch and make sure all gas lines are shut off. If you have an emergency power system, ensure that it is not connected to the grid by turning off the circuit breaker for your house and checking that no electrical panels are attached. Shutting off power can be dangerous because of the risk of electrocution or fire from electrical appliances. Therefore, it is important only to do so if a qualified professional recommends it or after giving yourself plenty of time to do so safely.

After turning off power in your Hendersonville, NC home, check for potential hazards such as gas leaks (use a flashlight) and fire hazards (remove flammables). You may need to call emergency services if any such hazards exist before proceeding with repairs on your property.

If you suspect there has been damage due to high winds or other weather-related events like tornadoes or hurricanes, refrain from using any electrical appliances until they have been inspected by a licensed electrician

Contact Your Insurance Company

Your policy should tell you how to contact your insurance company, so be sure to have a copy of it on hand before you call. They will want to know what happened and how much the estimated damage is. Make sure they know that there could be additional costs if the storm caused flooding or other damage outside of what was immediately visible like broken windows or roof shingles coming off. If you aren't insured, then there's no reason for them to make any payments towards repairs because they won't get paid back by any third party (like the government). If this is the case, then expect that any expenses associated with fixing up your home will fall entirely on you!

Clean Up

Here are some tips to starting the cleanup process:

1. Remove any damaged furniture or belongings from your home.

2. Clean up any broken glass in the areas affected by flooding or severe hail and wind.

3. Make sure there are no exposed electrical wires before you begin cleaning up water and mud/dirt. If there is, shut off all power to the area where they are found and call an electrician immediately! Even if you don't know what circuit breaker turns off this particular switch, it's better to be safe than sorry when dealing with electricity!

4. Remove hazardous materials like chemicals, pesticides, oil-based paints or cleaners (as they may contain asbestos), gasoline/diesel fuel from tanks on boats/cars (as these can leak into groundwater), etc., as soon as possible by contacting a disposal company.

Dry it Out

You can use fans and dehumidifiers to start the drying process in your home. In most cases, if the damage is extensive, it is a good idea to call a professional like SERVPRO of Hendersonville to get your Hendersonville, NC home dry. 

Repair or Replace?

A contractor will help you determine if the damage is something that can be repaired or replaced. If you have the skills and equipment, you may be able to do this yourself. You may need to hire a contractor if the damage is extensive and/or complicated in nature. Again, SERVPRO of Hendersonville can help with this process!

It doesn't matter what season it is or where you live—disasters can happen at any moment and can be caused by natural or human-made occurrences. No matter what kind of storm hits your home, safety should always be the first priority for everyone involved. If a storm comes through your area and causes damage to your home (or any other building), make sure that everyone stays safe until the danger has passed, and contact local authorities about getting repairs done as soon as possible.

These steps can help you get back on track after a storm, but if you’re in doubt about any of them, don’t hesitate to call your insurance company. Their experts can guide you through the process so that you can focus on recovery instead of worrying about paperwork or repairs.

Types of Fire Damage

12/5/2022 (Permalink)

Living room totally destroyed by fire Fire damage in a home in Hendersonville, NC

Fire is a destructive force that can happen in your home or business. Fire damage can be caused by several different types of fires including kitchen, electrical, and car fires. The type of fire that caused the damage will determine how it affects your property and how much it will cost to repair the damage. There are three types of fire damage: heat damage, smoke damage, and impact damage.

Heat Damage

Heat damage is one of the most common forms of fire damage because it affects nearly everything around you. The main cause of heat damage is the fire itself, but there are other situations that can lead to heat damage. Heat causes materials to expand and contract depending on how much they have been heated up by flames or hot air. This can be especially problematic for buildings with wooden framing, where the wood will expand and contract depending on its temperature and humidity levels in your home.

In addition to causing expansion and contraction of materials like wood and plastic, intense heat from a fire can also melt metals such as copper or aluminum so that they become soft enough to deform permanently under pressure from something heavy like the furniture placed upon them or even just their own weight when standing upright during use by residents living inside homes with this type

Smoke Damage

Smoke damage is one of the most common types of fire damage. Smoke can be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Flames from a fire that are not hot enough to damage the building's structure but still produce smoke and soot
  • Items that have been heated up by flames and created smoke or fumes (for example, melted plastic or synthetic materials)

Smoke can cause health problems such as respiratory issues and asthma attacks, so it's important to make sure your home is properly ventilated. Additionally, if you experience this type of fire damage in your home or business there may be mold growth on surfaces exposed to water or wet ash following the event.

Impact Damage

Impact damage is caused by the force of the fire, which can cause objects to break and collapse. Impact damage can also be caused by hot embers that fall onto materials like wood or drywall. This type of impact damage is often mistaken for heat stains or smoke stains because it looks similar to both. In cases where smoke has been present in the area, impact damage will usually look darker than heat and/or smoke damage because of its charred appearance.

Fire damage can often be a difficult problem to deal with. It is important to remember that this type of damage can occur in several different ways, and each one requires a different approach to restoration. The most common types of fire damage involve smoke, soot, and debris from the burned material itself. These substances must be cleaned up quickly before they cause additional problems for homeowners by damaging other areas of their homes or office space. Cleaning up as soon as possible after such an event will help ensure that future repairs will be minimal or even unnecessary! Give SERVPRO of Hendersonville a call to clean up and restore your Hendersonville, NC home or business! 

Are Drain Cleaners Harmful to Pipes?

11/1/2022 (Permalink)

Advertisements drain cleaners, water pipe detergent with clear piping section in 3d illustration. Drain cleaners are not harmful to pipes in most cases, but can be when used too often.

Is It Safe To Use Drain Cleaners?

Plumbing issues can be stressful, but they don't have to be if you're prepared for them. One of the most common plumbing problems is a clogged drain. When your drain is backed up with hair and other debris, it can be hard to figure out how to fix it on your own. Professional plumbers know how to clear drains and repair any damage caused by the clog itself, so don't hesitate to call one in if you need help!

Drain Cleaners Can Cause More Harm Than Good

If you regularly use a drain cleaner in your home, it is important to know that these products are not meant to be used as an alternative to regular cleaning. In fact, drain cleaners can actually corrode the pipes and permanently damage them. This means that if you have been using a particular product for several years now and notice any corrosion or damage in your plumbing system, the problem could have been caused by the use of a commercial-grade drain cleaner.

When you experience clogs in your drains, it is best to clean out the pipes with water from the tap before trying anything else. If this doesn't work, consider calling a plumber instead of using chemical solutions because these products can cause more harm than good if used incorrectly or too frequently.

Call the Professionals for Sewage Cleaning

When you call for professional sewage cleaning, the technicians will have plenty of experience with drain cleaners and their effect on plumbing. They won't use chemical drain cleaners unless absolutely necessary and even then, only as a last resort.

They will know how to use a plunger or suction equipment to clear clogs from your pipes without damaging them in the process. They will also know how to repair damage caused by clogs and prevent future clogs from happening again.

Hydro-jetting System

When you have a plumber come to your home because of a clogged drain, they'll use a hydro-jetting system to clear out the blockage. This method uses high-pressure water to remove the clog and can be used on any type of pipe from drains and toilets to sewers.

The hydro-jetting system is the most effective way to clear a clogged drain, but it can also be very expensive. A plumber may charge between $100 and $300 to use this method.

Can I Fix It Myself?

How do you know if it’s safe for you to clear clogs in your own sink or bathtub drain? The answer is that it depends on the clog, and if you have any kind of plumbing problem, then it’s a good idea to call in a professional.

Professional technicians know how to safely clear drains and how to repair any damage the clog might have caused. They also know how to use the correct chemicals and equipment, as well as techniques such as plunging or water jetting that could cause more harm than good.

In conclusion, drain cleaners are not harmful to pipes in most cases, but can be when used too often. If you have a clog that won’t go away after trying a plunger and then using some vinegar or soda water, it might be time for professional help.

If you have a sewage backup or drainage problems in your home or business, SERVPRO of Hendersonville is here to help. Give us a call to clean up any water damage in your Hendersonville property!

Water Damage is a Result of Fire Damage

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Green van and firefighters parked outside a house If you have a fire, you need to call in a professional restoration company as soon as possible.

Fire Damage Leads to Water Damage

Fire damage is a major problem that can cause extensive and costly damage to your home. This type of damage is caused by fire, which can be caused by either an accident or arson. Fire damage can affect your entire home, but it is important to note that not all fires leave behind only fire-related problems. Water damage is also common in homes that have been affected by fire; this occurs when the water used to extinguish the flames gets into various places within your home and causes mold spores to grow in those areas. In addition to these issues, there are other key points about fire damage that you need to know about:

Water Damage

You will have to deal with the water damage as well. This is not a good time to be lax. Water damage can be caused by fire sprinklers, fire hoses, or firefighters trying to put out the flames and keep them from spreading further. Water damage can cause mold and mildew if left untreated for too long; this may lead to structural damage because of weakened materials like drywall or wood paneling (which makes up most interior walls). Electrical components can also be affected by water, which causes short circuits and other malfunctions that could cause fires themselves if left alone for too long.

To avoid these issues after a fire has been extinguished on your property, you should hire professional services from companies like SERVPRO of Hendersonville who specialize in restoring properties damaged by fires—and floods!

Smoke and Soot Damage

Fire damage is more than just the fire itself. Fire causes smoke and soot that can quickly infiltrate your home's structure, walls, ceilings, and floors. In addition to these immediate dangers, many items exposed to intense heat may be damaged beyond repair by being melted or warped out of shape. This can include electronics like computers and televisions as well as clothing and furniture items that were left behind during evacuation efforts.

Call SERVPRO of Hendersonville

Not all fire restoration companies are created equal. Some are better than others, and if you're dealing with fire damage, it's important that you choose a good one. When choosing a fire restoration company, make sure they have the equipment and know-how to deal with issues of water damage from firefighting efforts. They should be able to address any lingering smoke odor in your home caused by their clean-up efforts as well as help fix structural problems resulting from heat exposure during a fire (i.e., warped floors).

In addition to helping you repair the physical damage caused by smoke, water influxes, and other aspects of fires that often require expert removal techniques (such as burnt wiring), these companies will also handle insurance claims for those who need them after an unfortunate incident like this happens at their home or business location!

If you have a fire, you need to call in a professional restoration company as soon as possible. They will be able to assess the damage and make sure you have everything taken care of quickly and efficiently so that you can move on with your life.

The Importance of Fast Home Fire Restoration

8/12/2022 (Permalink)

Interior of a home damaged by fire. Home fire damage in Mountain Home, NC.

Getting Your Home Repaired After A Fire

Fire restoration experts in Mountain Home, NC, have identified three key factors in getting your home repaired quickly after a fire. Critical to the success of this process is to use an experienced local restoration company for your damage cleaning and restoration. SERVPRO professionals have an array of techniques to return the condition of your home until it's “Like it never even happened.”

1. Why Is Speedy Restoration So Crucial?
If your home has been damaged in a fire, the building envelope may be breached, letting in the weather. Also, firefighting efforts can also cause substantial water damage. The faster these issues can be addressed, the less ongoing damage can occur.
Professional fire restoration companies can become insurance industry partners, meaning they’ve been vetted and have a relationship with insurance professionals. With pre-approval, in the case of a serious fire, one call can quickly get the restoration process started — literally before the fire trucks have left. Pre-approved professionals can even start mitigation efforts before formal approval is granted.

2. What Does Mitigation Involve?
Copious amounts of water may be necessary to extinguish a fire. Anything absorbent can be damaged to a greater or lesser degree as the water sits inside, getting behind walls through cracks and causing mold and other trouble. It’s vital to have it removed as soon as possible.
In addition, exposed areas of a home need to be tarped and boarded from the elements. Both of these steps work together to prevent further damage. After the first steps to protect a house and remove the water, trained crew can bring in air movers to extract moisture.

3. How Fast Can a Home Be Restored?
The length of time needed for a restoration depends on the degree of destruction and how it’s handled. In addition to water damage, smoke damage can be extensive even from small fires. However, professional restoration technicians have commercial damage cleaning agents that can dramatically speed up the process by restoring instead of replacing much of the damage.
Fire restoration can be simplified by keeping these points in mind. Professional assistance can save tons of time, money and a huge amount of frustration.

What To Know About Commercial Property Insurance

7/28/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial Insurance Policy Various types of businesses should carry commercial property insurance

What Does It Cover?

You probably have homeowners' insurance that helps pay for repairs to your house following an emergency. You similarly need commercial insurance for your office or business headquarters. Your commercial policy should cover any smoke or fire damage to the Mills River, NC property.

What To Insure
Various types of businesses should carry commercial property insurance. If you run any of the following, you should purchase insurance for the premises:

  • Retail store
  • Service business
  • Not-for-Profit
  • Manufacturing company

It is not just the properties themselves that need insurance coverage. After all, fires can affect various assets within a building, as well. You should thus get insurance for any processing, manufacturing or office equipment. That includes the phone systems, furniture and computers.
Any inventory should also be included in your commercial insurance policy. You should additionally insure your satellite dishes, landscaping, fences and essential business records.

What Insurers Consider
Once you apply for insurance, the provider will decide how much to charge you for premiums. Whatever premiums you do end up paying can be deducted as expenses.
The insurer considers several factors when calculating the cost of your policy. First, it will look at the value of your building and the assets inside it. Before you meet with your agent, you should thus take an inventory of all the items within your property.
Since insurers do not like risk, they will charge more for properties in areas prone to wildfires or other weather catastrophes. Similarly, you may have to pay higher premiums if your building is made from combustible materials. Conversely, properties with fire-resistant floors, doors and walls may have lower premiums.
Commercial insurance premiums can be high, especially for businesses that own valuable equipment. However, insurance is worth the expense in the long run. After all, without proper coverage, you might have to use your company's earnings to pay for fire damage cleanup services.

Preventing Dryer Fires

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

dryer lint filter has been cleaned to prevent fires Clean your lint filter regularly.

Keeping Dryer Fires at Bay

A lint fire is a dangerous and preventable situation. Nearly 34 percent of the 2,900 dryer fires that occur annually are because homeowners fail to maintain and clean their dryers correctly. Therefore, it is vital to understand the areas of your dryer that should be regularly inspected and to understand when professional maintenance should be performed.

1. Lint Filter

The most apparent cause of any dryer fire is a dirty lint filter. Lint is essentially kindling for the fire, and if not removed frequently and thoroughly it can ignite in the high heat of a dryer. Therefore, you should clean the lint from the filter before and after every use. Also, biannually, you may want to use a nylon brush to clean any residual dust from the crevices of the filter.

2. Behind Dryer

Many people incorrectly assume that a fire stemming from dryer use must occur inside the dryer, but this is not true. A lint fire can begin outside of the appliance and often does, especially when there is a buildup of dust and debris behind the unit, nestled around the vent tube and pipe. Therefore, at least once a month, it is a good idea to pull the dryer out and clean.

3. Vent Pipe

While a vent pipe may be protected from massive buildups of lint because of the dryer filter, it can still develop mounds of dust and lint remnants that have the potential to start a fire, especially if these mounds block the exhaust, allowing heat to build in the pipe and dryer. Therefore, you should aim to clean the vent pipe at least once every three months.

4. Maintenance

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your dryer is not functioning as it should. If this occurs, you may want to contact an appliance repair company or a plumbing specialist in the Hendersonville area to look over your appliance and determine a cause for the issue.

A lint fire can lead to substantial loss. However, it can be prevented through due diligence and a proper cleaning schedule. Don’t fall victim to one of the leading causes of home fires, clean your lint and dryer vent routinely.

Effects Storm Damage Can Have on Your Building

7/12/2022 (Permalink)

broken pipe A burst pipe in Balfour, NC.

When you consider the effects a massive storm can have on your workplace, you probably think about torrential rains and heavy winds. While Mother Nature can certainly wreak havoc on your building in this way, there are other potential consequences to bad weather in Balfour, NC. A burst pipe, for example, can lead to extensive flooding. In turn, you could face time-consuming, expensive cleanup. As you understand some of these other effects of storm damage, you can prepare your business for such an emergency.

How Pipes Burst

Throughout your building, you have a network of pipes carrying water in and out of the facility. At any time, if a pipe were to break, it could expel hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water onto floors, walls, and ceilings, not to mention personal belongings and equipment. A burst pipe can occur from the following:

  • Poor construction or low-quality materials
  • Lack of maintenance and upkeep
  • Frozen water inside that expands and begins to crack the pipes.

Gradual Flooding

It's possible for a frozen pipe to crack and begin to leak without you ever knowing it. Water could gradually trickle out of pipes in walls or ceilings, or under sinks over weeks or months before you detected a problem. This could result in mold growth, the rotting of wood and severe damage to other materials.

Sudden Flooding

If a pipe bursts, it could leave standing water in your building in a matter of minutes. If this happens, move items to higher ground and get to safety as soon as possible. Shut off the water to the building and contact a professional flood remediation company. Cleanup crews can salvage many damaged items and will restore your building as well.
Cold weather can cause a burst pipe. The consequences could be severe damage to your building. Be aware of these dangers and regularly inspect and maintain your plumbing system.

3 Types of Water Leaks That May Cost Your Business Money

6/25/2022 (Permalink)

Leaking tap A leaking tap can be costing you more than you think.

Types of Water Leaks

Did you know that even small leaks at your Flat Rock, NC, business can cost you hundreds of dollars per year in wasted water and repair costs? While you might think of a water leak as a common problem, failing to maintain your building's plumbing could transform a small leak into a major issue, and there are several types of leaks you can watch for to stop major water losses before they happen. 

1. A Fast-Dripping Water Leak
That fast drip in your public restroom's sink or in the breakroom might be old news to you or your employees, but this type of leak may be costing you more than you think. It can cause damage to your building's pipes and weaken the interiors of finished cabinets. Having a fast leak repaired can not only lower your commercial water bill but protect the building materials that surround the plumbing as well. 

2. A Leaky Toilet 
That old leaking toilet in your office can cost you hundreds of dollars in water damage, especially once the moisture starts to affect the floor or wall around it. Over time, the water may start to warp or rot building materials like drywall and wood. Unless you take steps to rectify the leak, you may have to replace not only the toilet but the adjacent materials as well. 

3. A Leaking Pipe 
A plumbing pipe water leak is usually the most damaging when it is not detected right away. Over time, the pipe may degrade and then eventually burst, especially with a seasonal temperature change. A pipe break can cause a massive flood inside your building and require the assistance of water restoration and mitigation service to remove standing water before the moisture and increased humidity cause more damage. 
Water leaks at your Flat Rock, NC, business may cause you more headaches than you might think. Fixing current leaks and remaining aware of potential plumbing problems can help you to better protect your investments. 

The Responsibilities of FEMA in a Disaster Area

6/14/2022 (Permalink)

Destroyed beach house in the aftermath of Hurricane Property was destroyed after a hurricane in Etowah, NC.

The Responsibilities of FEMA in a Disaster Area

The Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA responds to all declared domestic disasters and emergencies. This could include natural weather events such as hurricanes and tornadoes, or it could include man-made catastrophes such as wildfires or even terrorist acts. The agency has responded to many large disasters in recent years, including hurricanes in New Orleans, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and New York and New Jersey. The agency separates dealing with disasters into four stages:

  • Mitigation
  • Preparedness
  • Response
  • Recovery

As a common and recurring problem, rising waters are one particularly challenging aspect of disaster management. Dangerous water events occur in nearly every part of the country.

The Elements of Effective Flood Response and Recovery
The first part of a response after a major storm deals with treating injured individuals and rescuing those in trouble. This can tax community resources, so FEMA is often instrumental in bringing in outside help. These include first responder personnel as well as managing and arranging assistance in the form of food and shelter. Providing valuable information to the community is also a critical role at this time.
The recovery stage that follows includes the use of a professional storm mitigation franchise that has access to significant corporate resources. Industrial equipment such as water vacuums, pumps, and dryers all help mitigate flooding damage. Highly-trained technicians assess the situation for each impacted homeowner in Etowah, NC, and come up with an effective recovery plan.

The Final Stage
Damaged structures are rebuilt using knowledge obtained in other disasters and using the best practices of the restoration industry. Financial burdens are also addressed at this time, as organizations help individuals find funding in the form of loans or grants. Many government agencies work to find resources for homeowners who did not carry insurance, and a disaster declaration often provides additional funds. FEMA plays a coordinating role in helping the country deal with large-scale disasters.

3 Types of Smoke Detectors To Protect Your Family

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

Photoelectric smoke detector Photoelectric alarms work best in bedrooms, laundry rooms, and hallways.

Three Types Of Alarms To Consider For Your Home

Purchasing a smoke alarm is an investment in your family’s safety. And although these alarms have been around for decades, they are not a one-size-fits-all product. Here are the three types of alarms to consider for your home.

1. Ionization Alarm
The first type of alarm detects small smoke particles in flames. Therefore, install them in the garage or basement to protect against fires from combustible materials, in a reading room or library full of highly flammable books and newspapers and in the kitchen to warn against grease fires. When installing an ionization alarm in the kitchen, place it far enough away from the cooktop to avoid false alarms.

2. Photoelectric Alarm
This smoke detector senses the larger smoke particles released by smoldering fires. Mattresses, clothes and carpets burn this way. So photoelectric alarms work best in bedrooms, laundry rooms and hallways. They are also appropriate for living rooms or furnished basements with couches and fireplaces. Place these alarms high on the wall or ceiling, putting the alarm four inches from the top in rooms with vaulted ceilings.

3. Dual Smoke Alarm
The third type of alarm combines the technology of ionization and photoelectric alarms to provide the best in fire safety. Whether you choose to mix and match ionization and photoelectric alarms in your Fletcher, NC, home, or use dual alarms throughout, interconnecting the alarms provides your family with the most protection. When you interconnect the alarms, if one gets triggered, they all will sound. This setup gives your loved ones the best chance of reaching safety in the case of a fire. If your house suffers fire damage, hire fire restoration professionals.
Your family’s well-being is your highest priority. So, install a smoke alarm in every room of your home to protect them. It will be money well spent.

3 Ways Fire and Smoke Affect Electronics

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

Computer completely burned Open flames and high heat melt electronics.

Three Effects of Fire and Smoke on Electronics

High heat, soot and smoke can stop electronics from working or even raise the risk of another electrical fire at a commercial building in Hendersonville, NC. Here are three ways in which fire at your business or at a commercial property can damage electronics and necessitate professional content cleaning at an off-site location or replacement. 

1. Open Flames and High Heat Melt Electronics
The temperature of building fires tops out around 1,500 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Needless to say, contents exposed to open flames and very high temperatures are likely to ignite and burn, melt or otherwise or suffer damage caused by heat, fire, soot and smoke. Electronic devices are very sensitive to all of these types of damage and require specialized computer cleanup.

2. Smoke Damage Causes Overheating
Soot can cause a black residue to form on chips and circuits. If you power up a computer that has been exposed to fire or soot damage without first cleaning these components thoroughly, you run a much higher risk of a short-circuiting and electrical fire.

 3. Water Causes Corrosion To Form
If firefighters use water to suppress a fire, this secondary damage can cause corrosion to form on metal components in appliances, computers or devices. Contents of a structure with fire damage tend to be exposed to chemical compounds that accelerate rusting. Corrosion can also cause short-circuiting or stop electronics from working.
After a fire causes damage at a business or commercial property in Hendersonville, NC, it is important to carefully assess the condition of electronics. Do not attempt to turn on devices that have potentially been exposed to extremely high temperatures, soot or smoke, as this can cause overheating or short-circuiting and raise the risk of an electrical fire. Electronics cleaning experts can safely check, clean and test computers and devices.

What To Do With Water-Damaged Carpet

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

standing water on carpet, wet carpet, water damage in a home Water damage to carpet floor in Zirconia, NC.

What Should You Do If Your Carpet Is Wet?

If you experience a pipe break or other source of water damage in your Zirconia, NC, home, you may wonder if you can save your carpet or if it must be replaced. Fortunately, in some cases, this type of flooring can be salvaged if you act quickly.

If the source water is clean, such as from a supply pipe break, you don’t have to worry about mold growth or other bacterial contamination for at least 24 hours. Dry the flooring out using the following equipment:

  • Fans
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Wet/dry vacuums

If the carpet was soaked through to the underlayers, pull up the flooring and hang it out to dry. Replace the padding if necessary. An experienced restoration service can help you determine what must be thrown away and what can be salvaged. They also have commercial equipment that can get the job done quickly and thoroughly.

In other cases, carpeting must be replaced. If the source is not clean water, or if the water has been present for more than 24 hours, bacteria and other contaminants are likely to present. Carpeting is difficult to completely sanitize, and it is generally safer to replace the flooring. An exception may be small rugs that can be thoroughly cleaned with a fabric sanitizer and hot water.
In other cases, it may simply be more practical to replace the flooring than restore it. Even if the water is from a clean pipe break, it may not be worth the hassle to restore carpeting that is old or inexpensive. Pulling up the carpeting often requires cutting it into smaller pieces, making it impossible to reinstall.
Carpet is expensive, and many homeowners wish to salvage their investment from water damage. If the water is from a clean source and is removed quickly, it is usually okay to restore rather than replace the flooring.

4 Flood Safety Tips for Protecting Your Home

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

Hand with a glove cleaning a clogged gutter Gutters and downspouts are among the most important tools outside your home.

Flood Prevention Methods For Your House

There is no feasible way to ensure your house is flood proof. While there are many ways to ensure the flood safety of your home through recommended prevention methods, there are always going to be potential threats or unforeseen circumstances that can result in flooding. The best any homeowner can do is talk to a local flood restoration specialist in Hooper's Creek, NC, to figure out the best prevention methods for your house.

1. Ensure Proper Slope for Flood Safety

One of the best safety tips is to ensure the slope of landscaping and driveways is correct. The property surrounding your home should slant away from your house's foundation, typically at about 10°. If you do not have an adequate slope, water will settle against the foundation, potentially leading to cracks, settling, and flooding.

2. Maintain Exterior Components

Gutters and downspouts are among the most important tools outside your home. The components ensure water exits the roof and settles away from the foundation. When gutters and downspouts are clogged, water can settle along the foundation. Additionally, water can back up underneath shingles or find its way into your home through damaged seals.

3. Install Prevention Tools

The best way to prevent interior flooding is by installing prevention devices, such as sump pumps and backflow valves. The type of device best suited to your property will depend on your location and potential flood zone. Therefore, it is best to contact a plumbing professional for recommendations.

4. Perform Routine Maintenance

Clogged drains or collapsed pipes can also lead to a flooded basement. It would be best to consider hiring a plumbing service to perform routine, bi-annual inspections and cleanings to avoid such issues.
The key to flood safety is to follow proper prevention strategies and routine maintenance. While no method guarantees a dry home forever, each reduces flooding risks.

How To Use Candles Safely

4/22/2022 (Permalink)

Battery powered candle If you want to use candles, consider flameless options.

How to Use Candles in a Safe Manner

There is nothing quite like the flickering flame of a lit candle, particularly if you are trying to be romantic. Unfortunately, they can be dangerous as well as romantic. A candle fire can very quickly cause massive destruction.

General Rules

There are some general rules you should always obey when using candles:

  • Keep clothes, hair and cloth away from the open flame
  • Never leave a burning candle in a vacant room
  • Don't use candles under shelves
  • Always place them on a heat-resistant surface

These rules may seem basic, but a lot of damage can occur if they are ignored. Approximately 8,200 fires are started by candles every year, and many of these destroy homes. If you have a fire, you may need a smoke cleanup and fire damage remediation company in Mountain Home, NC.

Jarred Candles

Some people think that jarred candles are safer, but this is not the case. When they burn down to the bottom, the wax can superheat the glass. This causes the jar to explode. If you use jarred candles, make sure you do not burn them below the safety point (about 2 inches above the bottom of the candle.) Not only can they cause a candle fire, but the exploding glass is also dangerous.

Safer Options

If you want to use candles, consider flameless options. These are battery-operated versions that flicker just like the real ones. This can save you and your home. Flameless candles even come in scented versions that use fans and essential oils to provide the same fragrant effects. They are child and pet safe even if they are knocked over. The only thing you have to worry about is changing the batteries.
Candles can be beautiful, but it is always best to remember that they are open flames. Candle fire incidents cost homeowners thousands of dollars every year. Taking simple safety precautions can save your home.

Commercials Owners Face Multiple Repairs During Fire Restoration

4/13/2022 (Permalink)

Walls broken of a home, debris on the floor We want to help restore your property after a fire.

Fire Restoration

Fire restoration is a complex process involving more than merely dealing with ashen walls. Commercial owners in Mills River, NC, face several significant hurdles to returning the structure into a safe, functional space. Proprietors should expect to handle multiple stages and concepts over several weeks to months, depending on the severity of the destruction. Working with insurance and a remediation team may simply be the process as business leaders move through the following fire cleanup stages.

1. Secure the Facility

Before a fire rebuild happens, the premises must be contained, safeguarding the establishment from additional property harm as well as potential lawsuits. Expert care is given to board up any exposures in the roof or walls, preventing wind and rain from hurting the structure. Also, trespassers, robbers and vagrants see a burnt building as an easy target. It’s essential to work with people who understand how to defend the entire structure.

2. Survey the Building’s Damage

During fire restoration, crews must think about several elements:

  • odor treatment
  • ash cleanup
  • restoring deteriorated parts
  • mold containment
  • water cleanup
  • electrical hazards

A water remediation company such as SERVPRO has experts in all of these fields, capable of saving agencies and owners from calling multiple services. Instead, tied into one team, they collaborate to establish efficient, methodical restoration.

3. Treat the Space and Belongings

Specialists use high-tech equipment to salvage electronics, photos and documents, and items deemed especially valuable and hard to replace during rebuilding services. This assists in cost replacement.
The general location is dried to avoid secondary issues such as mold. With that complete, those employees can directly contact a crew to begin washing and scrubbing the facility. A final group of construction staff repairs anything torn out or burnt through.
Fire restoration demands focus, concentration and teamwork since so many stages are required. With a group working as one, owners and agents streamline the efforts and simplify contact information, making the ordeal simpler and smoother.

3 Kinds of IIRC Certified Specialists Trained To Handle Drying in Water Damage Remediation

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

Extracting water with a vacuum Water extraction and cleanup are only one call away.

Three Types of IIRC Certified Specialists Trained in Water Damage Remediation Drying

Water damage may arise from many sources. It is the product of weather conditions, home malfunctions and random acts of nature. Whether they are the result of a broken pipe, rain from a leaking roof, or some other cause, large influxes of water may lead to destruction and irreparable harm. It is important to contact professionals like a remediation and restoration company in Balfour, NC, to prevent or lessen commercial property damage and carry out water clean-up in flooding cases. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification, or IICRC, trains several kinds of experts to handle different aspects of such situations, including drying.

1. Commercial Drying Specialists

Water clean-up projects needing the services of commercial drying specialists often involve hazards like heavy equipment, high voltage in confined spaces, electric machinery and dangerous chemicals. While the course they go through to obtain certification does not cover all potential risks, they are encouraged to research them on their own. They must also be familiar with and comply with relevant regulations. They are trained in:

Damage inspection and determination
Utilization of technical drying methods for water-impacted structures, furniture, systems and more
Workflow management
Process administration

2. Water Damage Restoration Technicians

Usually working in concert with a water damage restoration team, these technicians perform mitigation tasks. They evaluate severity, remove water and try to salvage items like inventory. They also possess an understanding of the different categories of water damage, the extent of harm each can do, and how to deal with each.

3. Applied Structural Drying Technicians

Similar to commercial drying specialists, these individuals are trained to make quick, informed decisions. Like them, and like water damage restoration technicians, they work to get rid of moisture.
While all of these have overlapping roles, certified professionals must undergo specially designed coursework for each title. Companies may employ one or more of these kinds of experts for water clean-up and remediation. The IICRC also offers many other certifications in the cleaning and restoration industry.

3 Types of Protective Equipment Every Remediation Professional Should Have

3/30/2022 (Permalink)

Technician wearing protective gear while removing mold Responsible mold removers do not just clean and restore the area effectively, but they also protect everyone inside.

Protective Gear For Mold Remediation

One sign of professionalism you should expect from qualified mold remediation specialists is their ability to protect themselves and others. Mold spreads easily and can be hazardous, which is why it is important to safely eliminate it from your Flat Rock, NC, business. This goal is best accomplished when the professionals use their resources properly. Learn about the most essential pieces of protective equipment they should have.

1. Protective Suit

Mold spores can easily cling to clothing and spread throughout the rest of the location or even other areas. The people working with it should wear protective suits that can be washed easily and prevent spores from getting attached. Disposable hazmat suits are the most effective solution to this issue. During smaller projects, removal professionals may wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants that are distinct from their casual outfits. They wash these items in hot water immediately after use.

2. Disposable Items

A disposable full-body suit may not always cover all body parts. Experts need other disposable items to protect other areas from mold growth exposure, including:

  • Gloves
  • Foot/shoe covers
  • Hair covers

Mold can cling to hands, shoes or hair and spread easily if there is no adequate protection. Therefore, technicians usually wear these items before entering the affected area. When they leave, they remove these items and carefully dispose of them. If they must re-enter, they put on new ones.

3. Face Mask

The most important protective item cleaners should have in their arsenal is a face mask, sometimes known as an air-purifying respirator. This item filters mold particles and any other harmful substances. There are both permanent and disposable masks and they block different particle percentages. If a mask does not include a built-in visor, remediators can use safety goggles to prevent mold, debris and chemicals from entering their eyes.
Responsible mold removers do not just clean and restore the area effectively, but they also protect everyone inside. Make sure they use their equipment appropriately to avoid any issues.

Preventing Sewage Backup

3/24/2022 (Permalink)

Sewer water on the floor A sewer backup at your home is never fun.

Four Ways To Prevent Future Sewage Backups

A sewer backup at your home is never fun. It is even less enjoyable when it leads to storm damage at your Etowah, NC, home. If you have been suffering through a lot of these backups, it may be time for you to find ways to prevent them from happening again. Here are four actions you can take to prevent future sewage backups.

1. Install a Backwater Valve

Backwater valves are a very common solution to backups. They are designed to help sewage flow away from your house - but they also close if a backup is imminent. Remember that a certified contractor must install such a valve.

2. Use a Standpipe

A standpipe is a simple sewage solution - it is a pipe that is installed right in your floor drain. What makes it unique is that it has a rubber seal that is airtight, so any water that comes out of your drain is usually directed to the pipe rather than the floor. You can also remove the pipe after flooding is no longer an issue, and the remaining water will then drain.

3. Consider a Floor Drain Plug

These plugs are installed below your floor drain grates. They prevent water from backing up when sewage conditions are poor, letting the water return through its opening after the sewers calm down. They are typically very affordable and easy to install.

4. Buy an Overhead Sewer

Did you know that overhead sewer exists? They tend to be a less popular option due to their high cost, but they are highly effective. A professional must install this flood prevention tool.

Remember that even when you take preventative action against sewage backup, sewer cleaning and other upkeep are still important for a better chance of protecting your home. If you are already suffering from water-related destruction, contact a local residential storm damage company for remediation assistance.

4 Important Items To Include in Your Business Continuity Plan

3/19/2022 (Permalink)

Business Continuity Plan Concept Every enterprise needs a solid business continuity plan.

4 Things to Remember When Making a Business Continuity Plan

When flooding, fires and other natural disasters occur, companies become at risk for grinding to a halt. In addition to damage requiring the talents of a business renovation service, these extreme weather events trigger lost productivity and lower revenue. For this reason, every enterprise needs a solid business continuity plan. Having one in place will help assure that downtime is kept to a minimum. Here are four matters that are imperative to incorporate within yours.

1. Recovery Strategies

Plan out what you will do if operational necessities become unavailable. How will you continue if electricity is lost? What happens if critical employees are unable to come in? Know ahead of time what is to be done under every scenario.

2. Alternative Vendors

What should happen if other companies whose services you rely on suddenly cannot fulfill their duties? Identify providers outside of your usual channels and include them in your business continuity plan. Line up alternatives for essentials such as performing equipment fixes, delivering customer orders and providing office supplies.

3. Emergency Response Plan

In addition to keeping everyone safe, knowing what everyone is expected to do during a disaster helps smooth operations. The faster everyone gets to safety and is accounted for, the quicker you can get back up and running. Write out expected procedures and post them in your most highly-trafficked area.

4. Alternative Locations

Think about where your staff can go in the event your building in Fletcher, NC needs to be evacuated. Find a nearby office with unused space or ask employees living in larger residences if they would be willing to host a temporary headquarters. Having staffers work from home is also often a viable alternative. Perform a test run of your plans for functioning remotely ahead of a fiasco.

A well-conceived business continuity plan can keep your venture humming even after calamity strikes. Avoid losing potential income by thinking ahead and planning for the worst.

5 Fire Dangers To Be Aware of in Your Home

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration company is cleaning a property after fire damage We’re dedicated to responding immediately when you need help with fire damage. A fast response lessens the damage and reduces cost.

5 Fire Hazards To Watch Out For In Your Home

If you’re worried about a home fire in Hendersonville, NC, then you may be wondering about some of the most common causes. Fortunately, many experts such as firefighters and fire damage restoration professionals can offer tips for fire prevention. Here are some fire dangers you may want to be aware of.

1. Candles

A candle’s open flame is a common fire source. Always keep the area around a lit candle free of flammable materials, and never leave one unattended.

2. Kitchen Stoves

The kitchen stove is another one of the most common fire causes. Keeping your stove stop clean and clear of debris is an important prevention step. Also be sure to ensure that the stove is turned completely off when you’re done using it.

3. Faulty Wiring

A source of a possible home fire can also be faulty wiring. If you have an older home, or have experienced damage to the building, you may want to have the wiring inspected to ensure everything is in working order.

4. Wood Stoves and Fireplaces

Wood-stoves and fireplaces can be another fire source if improperly used. Many such come with use and care instructions from the manufacturer. A screen or grate can help prevent flying sparks. After fire cleaning of your stove or fireplace can also help insure that the fire is completely put out, and no coals have been left to smolder.

5. Appliances

Appliances, such as a clothes dryer, can also be a cause for a fire. It’s important to look for signs of wear and tear in these machines, as well as follow any maintenance instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Being aware of these dangers can help prevent a home fire in your Hendersonville, NC, residence. Never leave a heat source such as a stove or candle unattended, make sure the area is cleared of flammable debris before use, and always make sure everything is put out properly. It’s also a good idea to regularly inspect wiring and appliances. With some time and care you can take steps to help prevent a fire in your home.

Water’s Rising: Protecting Your Business from Flood Damage

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

someone is extracting flooding waters Our team has the equipment and knowledge to mitigate the damage after flood damage. Call SERVPRO and we will help you.

Protecting Your Business From Flood Damage As the Water Level Rises

Flood damage can be brutal. Businesses can be boarded up and shut down for weeks or months. While precautions that you take now will likely not eliminate all damage sustained during a flood, it can help to make the mitigation and restoration process go smoother.

1. Sandbag Barricades

While storm damage can wreak havoc on your roof, a flood focuses on your foundation. To prevent damage to the interior and crawlspace of your business, purchase several sandbags that can then be stacked as a barricade against the rising water. While sandbags may not eliminate all evidence of water, they will help to divert the water away from weak points in your facility.

2. Secure Exterior Decorations

Believe it or not, exterior decorations, like lawn furniture and garden statues, cause a lot of flood damage. These items become floating battery rams when not secured. Purchase chains or weights, and tie down or weigh down loose decorations to prevent harm to your property.

3. Elevate Electronics and Office Furniture

Flooding can damage sensitive electronics and turn office furniture into dangerous unmanned weapons. The best thing you can do is move sensitive equipment and portable office furniture above the ground floor. This way you protect your property, employees and yourself from harm.

4. Create a Response Plan

A response plan does not refer to your personal response to a flooded business but rather the emergency response for cleanup and restoration. A disaster restoration specialist in the Fletcher, NC, area can help you with this plan by assessing your business and making suggestions for possible actions to take after an emergency.

Flood damage is likely devastating when it occurs, and while preparations may not resolve every issue with a flood, they can minimize loss. Preparation is more about security than the complete elimination of risk. Take the steps above to ensure that you are doing everything you can to protect your business.

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

a house damaged by storm We are storm damage specialists who get started the restoration process quickly to get your business or home back to pre-storm condition.

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team Is Here To Help.

There are times that extremely thorough storm response is required from a damage restoration company in Etowah, NC. Major weather-related disasters can be hard for a local service to handle alone. Luckily, SERVPRO is different in that its corporate team is ready to help local franchises with disaster recovery in severe situations.

Prepared for Any Storm

SERVPRO corporate is ready to help local Etowah, NC, teams during blizzards, tornadoes, floods and other disasters by sending crucial disaster equipment that would otherwise not be present at these smaller local franchises. Here are some of the infamous disasters from recent history where SERVPRO corporate professionals and local Catastrophic Storm Response Teams around the country provided much-needed emergency storm services:

  • Hurricane Katrina in 2005
  • California wildfires in 2007
  • Chicago floods in 2007
  • Hurricane Ike in 2008
  • Nashville floods in 2010
  • Hurricane Sandy in 2012
  • Polar Vortex in 2014
  • Carolina floods in 2015
  • Hurricane Irma in 2017
  • California wildfires in 2017

SERVPRO is uniquely equipped with temporary labor teams, production professionals, large-loss experts and specialized managers who are ready to help in whatever way needed when a monstrous storm hits and necessitates fast and efficient disaster recovery.

Faster to Any Size Disaster

Whether a storm is large or small, SERVPRO’s 1700 franchise employees and corporate teams are ready at a moment’s notice to help with storm damage assessment, restoration and remediation. Whether a massive flood suddenly takes over or a violent wildfire starts to spread, SERVPRO technicians are ready to do whatever they can to help restore normalcy and peace.

It is not always easy for anyone or any organization involved in disaster recovery to know what the best plan of action is to pursue, but SERVPRO teams use their experience and skills to take every possible action in to do the right thing at the right time. They are always Here to Help.

DIY Solutions for Removing Shower Mold

1/30/2022 (Permalink)

Borax powder, white powder Borax is a great cleaner.

Natural Cleaning Ingredients

Some homes in Flat Rock, NC, have issues with shower mold. Whether it is the high humidity, lack of ventilation, or abundance of spores, bathroom mold can be a constant problem. Many people grab a commercial cleaner to use in the battle against the unsightly fungus, but others prefer the use of more natural cleaning agents. Here are four cleaning ingredients you can find in your cupboard.

1. Borax

Borax is a great cleaner. Dissolve one-fourth cup of the crystals into one quart of water. Spray the solution on the problem area and use a brush to scrub the moldy zone. Rinse the area and repeat the process as needed.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

For a great cleaning solution, fill a dark spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and add two tablespoons of vinegar. Spray the cleaner on the shower mold and wait for half an hour. Spray again and wait for an hour. Wipe the area clean and repeat if necessary.

3. Vinegar

One of the best household cleaners, vinegar is known for its acidity and that makes it a natural solution to a black mold problem. Spray a full-strength solution of vinegar on the mold and wait an hour. Repeat as necessary, and then use hot water to rinse the area and dry completely.

4. Bleach and Baking Soda

Using a little hot water, a cup of baking soda, and a few drops of scented oil, form a loose paste. Spread the paste over the area and remove the majority of the mold. Once most of the fungi are gone, spray a solution of two parts water and one-part bleach on the area and allow it to dry. Repeat the spray if necessary, and rinse with water.

Although a mold colony can begin life as a small spot, it can quickly grow into an unsightly area. With these simple DIY household cleaning solutions, you can quickly vanquish that shower mold and return to a clean bathroom. If the mold keeps appearing, consider calling a mold remediation company to find the underlying problem.

5 Things You Need To Know About Broken Pipes

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

Wet carpet, standing water on carpet, wet hallway Water damage in Etowah, NC.

Five Things You Should Know About Burst Pipes

To get the most out of your Etowah, NC, home, you need a functioning plumbing system. After all, you probably use running water in your house every day. Therefore, you must watch for the warning signs of plumbing damage. Here are five things you need to know about a pipe burst.

1. Pipes Freeze

When temperatures drop, the water inside your pipes can freeze. As you probably know, water expands as it freezes. This expansion can cause your water line and other pipes to break.

2. Crowded Cabinets Hide Leaks

The areas beneath your kitchen and bathroom sinks are good places to store household chemicals and other items. If you overcrowd these spaces, though, you may not notice a water leak. Accordingly, routinely clean out cabinets and inspect your plumbing system.

3. Plumbing Systems Should Not Be Loud

Pipes generally make a bit of noise when water passes through them. Knocking, creaking, moaning and other noises, however, are not normal. If you have noisy pipes, you may need to take steps to protect your pipes from extensive damage.

4. Water Heaters Require Flushing

While a pipe burst can cause a mess, flooding from an old, damaged or ineffective water heater can be just as bad. By regularly flushing your home’s water heater, you remove sediment before it can cause a catastrophic problem.

5. Water Damage May Be Extensive

Even with your best efforts, you may not be able to avoid a home flood. You must understand that floodwaters can cause extensive damage. If your home survives a flood, consider working with a floodwater restoration service to be sure you restore your house to its pre-flood condition.

Like most homeowners, you don’t want to have to deal with a pipe burst. By understanding some fundamental facts about broken plumbing, though, you can develop a plan for keeping your home’s pipes in excellent shape.

Is Mold Inevitable After a Flood?

1/12/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on a wall. Mold growth after a flood.

After a flood, is Mold Unavoidable?

When storm waters cause flooding in your Fletcher, NC, home, the cleanup process may take some time. Not only do you likely need to hire a water removal service, but you may also have to repair secondary damage after the water has been cleaned up. While additional damage is a possibility, mold growth does not have to be inevitable after a storm causes water to permeate your house. You can avoid it by doing the following:

  • Managing excessive humidity
  • Removing standing water
  • Reacting quickly to the flood

To better understand if your home may be affected by mold, you need to know what contributes to its growth. The type of water, the time it takes to start cleaning and thoroughness of the cleanup job each plays a part in whether or not mold will start to grow.

Dirty Water

If your home is flooded after a storm, chances are the water came from an overflowing river or backed-up sewer system. These water sources are commonly contaminated with spores and bacteria. Water from a dirty source can lead to mold growth quicker than flooding from a broken water supply line.

Lengthy Wait Time

If water sits in your home for a long period of time, the risk that mold will begin to grow is increased. Stagnant water and high humidity create the ideal environment for mold to develop. Quickly calling in a cleaning crew is always a good idea when you find standing water in your home.

Partial Cleanup

Completely removing the effects of flooding is important. Any residual dampness or humidity can encourage mold growth. Some homeowners try to take on the cleanup on their own, but they don't always know how to totally remove water damage. This partial cleanup makes it possible for spores to spread throughout a home.

Mold doesn't have to grow after a flood. Addressing flood cleanup and mold removal as soon as possible can help reduce the damage done by a storm.


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