What our Customers say...

Water Damage Testimonials

They did an excellent job here!

They were very nice. Mike was very helpful and truly cared about doing the job right.

The level of expertise & service has been great!

Wonderful, competent and friendly service. Thank you!

Simply excellent!

You were excellent, very impressed with service, professionalism. We thank you for your service. 

It was remarkable. It was the cleanest my floors had been in a long time. It was at least $1,000 because I had a deduction for insurance. I was just amazed. I knew their name, but I didn't know how
good they were.

I had flooding in the basement from a burst pipe on a Saturday evening. I went down into the basement because I wasn't getting any hot water and I had two inches all over the basement floor. SERVPRO of Henderson County came out almost immediately with all of their equipment and cleaned up.

They did a very good job and I could recommend them to anybody that has a similar need for water damage that is in need of cleanup. They had very good equipment, were very punctual and followed up until everything was satisfactory. My insurance company paid this company and I assume they were happy with the price because they did not complain about it.